2016 Reading List

Why We Make Things and Why It Matters – Peter Korn – 1/14/2016
Magicians of the Gods – Graham Hancock – 1/22/2016
Alas, Babylon – Pat Frank – 1/23/2016
Dynasty – Tom Holland – 2/23/2016
Loeb Classical Reader – 2/19/2016
A Very Short Introduction to the Roman Empire – Christopher Kelly – 2/29/2016
That Distant Land – Wendell Berry – 4/1/2016
The Roman Empire – Garnsey and Saller – 3/30/2016
The Later Roman Empire – Cameron – 4/25/2016
Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity – Peter Brown – 5/3/2016
How to Write Short – Roy Peter Clark – 4/16/2016
Untangled – Lisa Damour, PhD – 4/30/2016
Zealot – Reza Aslan – 4/20/2016
History of the Church – Eusebius – 4/18/2016
The Secret History – Procopius – 5-9-2016
The Memory of Old Jack – Wendell Berry – 6/5/2016
The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry – Wendell Berry – 6/24/2016
Little House in the Big Woods – Laura Ingalls Wilder – 6/28/2016
Ego is the Enemy – Ryan Holiday – 9/1/2016
Nathan Coulter – Wendell Berry – 7/11/2016
A History of the World in 6 Glasses – Tom Standage – 8/29/2016
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami – 11/3/2016
One Year After – William Fortschen – 7-14-2016
A Very Short Introduction to Classics – Mary Beard – 9/26/2016
Letters to a Young Poet – 10/4/2016
The Pegasus and Orne Bridges – Neil Barber – 11/10/2016
Mindless Eating – Brian Wansink – 10/20/2016
Hillbilly Elegy – J.D. Vance – 11/20/2016
Food Freedom Forever – Melissa Hartwick – 12/8/2016
The Master Switch – Tim Wu – 12/19/2016

2015 Reading List

Parcells, A Football Life – Bill Parcells – 1/27/2015
No Hero – Mark Owen – 1-5-2015
The Martian – Andy Weir – 2-3-2015
Seneca: Letters from a Stoic – Seneca – 1-13-2015
Cyrus the Great – Larry Hedrick – 1-22-2015
In the Heart of the Sea – Nathaniel Philbrick – 3-3-2015
Station Eleven – Emily St. John Mandel – 3-23-2015
Alexander – Ambiguity of Greatness – Guy Maclean Rodgers – 5-6-2015
Alexander – Plutarch – 5-7-2015
Fire From Heaven – Quintus Curtius Rufus – 5-11-2015
The Campaigns of Alexander – Arrian – 5-18-2015
A Very Short Introduction: Alexander the Great – Hugh Bowden – 5-21-2015
Resilience – Eric Greitens – 5-20-2015
Alexander and The Logistics of the Macedonian Army – David Engells – 6-12-2015
Tenth of December – George Saunders – 6-19-2015
The Last American Man – Elizabeth Gilbert – 6-30-2015
Our Only World – Wendell Berry – 7-30-2015
Outside the Game – Jim Mandelaro – 7-7-2015
A Place of My Own – Matthew Pollan – 7-31-2015
Tiny Book of Tiny Houses – Lester Walker – 8-5-2015
Rubicon – Tom Holland – 8-29-2015
The Monkey Wrench Gang – Edward Abbey – 9-14-2015
A Very Short Introduction: The Roman Republic – David Gwynn – 9-17-2015
Renewal – J.P. Perkins – 9-8-2015
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up – Marie Kondo – 10-22-2015
Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic – Harriet Flower – 11-15-2015
Paddle Your Own Canoe – Nick Offerman – 10-22-2015
The Breakdown of the Roman Republic – Christopher Mackay – 11-16-2015
Blue Highways – William Least Heat Moon – 12-17-2015
Ghost Fleet – P.W. Singer – 12-24-2015

2014 Reading List

Supersad True Love Story – Gary Shteyngart – 1/30/2014
Egypt, Greece and Rome – Charles Freeman – 2/15/2014
Men of Bronze – Donald Kagan, Greg Viggiano – 2-24-2014
One Second After – William Fortschen – 2/24/2014
The War of Art – Steven Pressfield – 2/28/2014
Turning Pro – Steven Pressfield – 3/17/2014
The Western Way of War – Victor Davis Hansen – 3/26/2014
An Army At Dawn: The War in North Africa – Rick Atkinson – 4/10/2014
Antigone – Sophocles – 4/11/2014
Its Complicated: The Social Life of Teens – Danah Boyd – 4/18/2014
A Brief History of Ancient Greece – Sarah Pomeroy – 5/1/2014
Fingerprints of the Gods – Graham Hancock – 6/5/2014
One Bullet Away – Nathaniel Fick – 6/13/2014
Great Battles of the Ancient World – Garret Fagan – 7/31/2014
The Obstacle is the Way – Ryan Holiday – 7/1/2014
The Knowledge – Lewis Dartnell – 7/1/2014
Ancient Warfare – Phil Barker – 7/14/2014
Letters From a Stoic – Seneca – 7/31/2014
Full Dark, No Stars – Stephen King – 8/8/2014
Fun As Hell – L.J. Kumber – 8/12/2014
A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle – 9/13/2014
Jayber Crow – Wendell Berry – 10/3/2014
The Peloponnesian War – Donald Kagan – 10/3/2014
Twelve Tomorrows – Bruce Sterling – 10/30/2014
Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations – Kenneth Harl – 11/28/2814
A Very Short Introduction to the Ancient Near East – Amanda Podany – 11/27/2014
Call of the Wild – Jack London – 11/30/2014
A History of the Ancient Near East – Van de Mieroop – 11/28/2014
The Ancient Near East – Cavalas – 11/29/2014
The End of the Bronze Age – Robert Drews – 11/20/2014
Kitchen Confidential – Anthony Bourdain – 12/25/2014

2012 Reading List

  1. The Profession – Steven Pressfield 1/7/2012
  2. The Story of Stuff – Annie Leonard 1/25/2012
  3. Get Real – 37 Signals 1/2/2012
  4. Eating Well for Optimum Health – Dr. Andrew Weil
  5. 11/22/63 – Stephen King 2/7/2012
  6. Agile Project Management with Scrum – Roman Pichler 3/8/2012
  7. The Heart and the Fist – Eric Greitens 2/19/2012
  8. Ready Player One – Ernest Cline 3/10/2012
  9. The Virtues of War  – Steven Pressfield 04/28/2012
  10. Eagle in the Snow – Wallace Breem  05/19/2012
  11. The $100 Startup – Chris Guillebeau 6/2/2012
  12. How Will Your Measure Your Life – Clayton Christensen 6/11/2012
  13. Renewal 1 – 10 – JF Perkins 6/27/2012
  14. Standout – Marcus Buckingham 6/30/2012
  15. Thinking in Systems – A Primer – Donella Meadows July 2012
  16. After The Apocalypse – Maureen McHugh 7/20/2012
  17. The Warrior Ethos – Steven Pressfield 7/23/2012
  18. In Rommel’s Backyard- Alistair Timpson 8/29/2012
  19. Little Brother – Cory Doctrow 9/25/2012
  20. HBR: On Managing Yourself 9/27/2012
  21. No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Laden – Mark Owen 9/11/2012
  22. The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien 10/14/2012
  23. The 4 Hour Body – Tim Ferriss 10/28/2012
  24. The Lost World of the Kalahari – Laurens Van Der Post 10/31/2012
  25. Last of the Amazons – Steven Pressfield
  26. Makers – The New Industrial Revolution – Chris Anderson 11/24/2012
  27. Dinah of Seneca – Corrinna Lawson 12/8/2012
  28. Last of the Amazons – Steven Pressfield