
Tribes Book Cover Tribes
Seth Godin
Business & Economics

I can’t remember which Seth Godin book or podcast or blog posting talked about schools and the school system being designed to produce cogs not leaders. Tribes is about leadership. Its about being a change leader. I have the term “change agent” – “leader” is better conceptually. He name checks Kevin Kelley and his “1000 True Fans” – which is a must read.


“Great leaders are able to reflect the light onto their teams, their tribes. Great leaders don’t want the attention, but they use it. They use it to unite the tribe and to reinforce its sense of purpose.”

See My Kindle Notes

Practice Perfect

Practice Perfect Book Cover Practice Perfect
Doug Lemov, Erica Woolway, Katie Yezzi,
Business & Economics
John Wiley & Sons
September 19, 2012

This book looks at adjusting how we teach and learn. It leads off by talking about John Wooden. So ... they had me at hello. Lots of notes on this one. As I make my way towards wanting to teach, I will be re-visiting this book. It explores the idea that practice--not games--makes champions, presents "how to" rules for improvement in virtually every performance of life, covering such topics as rethinking practice, using feedback, and making new skills stick. Not just for educators.

The Heart and the Fist

The Heart and the Fist Book Cover The Heart and the Fist
Eric Greitens
Biography & Autobiography
Mariner Books

This is the first book from Eric Greitens. It is a story of the path he has taken from college to the military to humanitarian relief worker. It is an excellent read and I will have to go back and re-read because I am not sure how I can only have 10 kindle notes.